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среда, 19. октобар 2016.

November newold cloth

Camera - Tjamahal

Forma - Ghosts

Peter Zummo - The Tape Is Chill

7FO - Forest of Old Cloth

Andrew Chalk - Blue Eyes Of The March [Pt. 1]

Carla dal Forno - Better Yet

Exploded View - Orlando

Erissoma - No Return, No Hope
Ivan Čkonjević - Imp. Hrom žuta
Mary Lattimore - Ferris Wheel, January

Johann Johannsson - A Song For Europa

Les Halles - Hypochondria of the Heart

Andrew Chalk - Blue Eyes Of The March [Pt. 2]

Ian William Craig - Contain (Astoria Version)
Julianna Barwick - Nebula
Landing - Delusion Sound
Vitor Joaquim - Filaments and Voids
Federico Durand - Teatro De Sombras (Shadow Play)
David Sylvian & Russel Mills - The Beekeeper's Apprentice

Tuxedomoon - Toreador del Amor

X.Y.R. - First Weeks On The Island
Sonmi451 - Beta Crucis
ISAN - Trois Gymnopedies: No. 3 Lent et Grave
Günter Schlienz - Dust
Le Revelateur  - Another (Terminal) 

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