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понедељак, 5. август 2019.


01.Old Amica - Strelka över himlavalvet 02.Exoterm-First Light 03. Max Würden – Wirkungsgrad 04. Dean Hurley - Eastern European Symphonic Mood No. I  05. Trans-4M - Arrival  06. RED SLEEPING BEAUTY - Red Sleeping Beauty (McCARTHY cover) 07. Peter Hook and the Manchester Camerata - Love Will Tear Us Apart 08. The Fall - Before The Moon Falls 09. Föllakzoid - IIII  10. Xiu Xiu - Scisssssssors 11. Sarah Davachi/Ariel Kalma - Intemporel 12. Brian Eno - An Ending (Ascent) 13. Gunter Herbig - As if the Stormy Years had Passed 14. Silent Vigils – Shoreless 15. Will Bolton – April Spirals 16. The Humblee Bee • Offthesky - For Her Breath Is On All That Hath Life 17. Earthen Sea - Shallow, Shadowless  18. Hatchie — Obsessed  19. Bang/Honoré/Aarset/Rohrer - Fault Line 20.Pere Ubu - What I Heard on the Pop Radio 21. Vanishing Twin - Magician's Success  22. Seahawks - Eyes Of The Moon (Official 360° Video) 23.Less Bells - Golden Storm 24. Chocolate Hills - And At The Same Time 25.David Allred - Nature's Course

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