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понедељак, 2. април 2018.


#stephen o'malley / tim wyskida / marc urselli – solastalgia===== tuxedomoon & cult with no name - the slow club===== new age steppers & lol coxhill - dog race===== peter zummo - song IV (w/ arthur russell)===== jennifer lara - i am in love===== the third eye foundation - controlled demolition===== danielle de picciotto & alexander hacke – awake===== wire - the queen of ur and the king of um===== sex pistols - silly thing===== aztec camera - walk out to winter===== laika - good looking blues===== richard pinhas - rhizosphere sequent===== electronic - getting away with it===== karl bartos - 15 minutes of fame===== die wilde jagd - wah wah wallenstein (ivan smagghe crossed version)===== danielle de picciotto / alexander hacke –lullaby===== S.Y.P.H - nachbar (long version)===== kammerflimmer kollektief - zurück zum beton===== Егор Павлов & Kammerflimmer Kollektief – Одиночество===== mark hollis - inside looking out===== the fall - touch sensitive===== dub pistols -'peaches-feat. rodney p & terry hall===== the residents - beautiful eyes===== dedekind cut – virtues#

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