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недеља, 13. август 2023.

NEUROBIK ->(A)OUgusto del Enchaanta 2/3


01. Slowdive - The Slab  02. Sigur Rós – Ylur  03. The Cramps - Sheena's in A Goth Gang  04. Pet Shop Boys - The Lost Room  05. The Fall - Bury! PTS 2 + 4  06. Treeboy & Arc – Retirement  07. A Certain Ratio - Houses In Motion  08. Hawksmoor -Nuclear Kites  09. The Fall - What About Us  10. The Mekons - Where Were You?  11. Siouxsie And The Banshees - Hong Kong Garden  12. Xmal Deutschland – Augenblick  13. The Monochrome Set - Jet Set Junta  14. Marine Girls - A Place in the Sun  15. Spherical Objects – Comedians   16. Blancmange - Blind Vision  17. Japan- Life in Tokyo  18. Generation X-King rocker  19. The Ruts – Babylons  Burning  20. Cardiacs - Is This The Life  21. Pale Saints - Throwing Back the Apple 22. The Boo Radleys – Lazarus   23. Public Image Limited - Public Image  24. The Undertones - Teenage Kicks  25. Stiff Little Fingers - Gotta Getaway

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